Thank you for choosing Elliott Beach Rentals for your getaway.

Your vacation begins tomorrow!

In order to provide for as smooth a check-in process as possible, please follow these instructions when arriving.

  • Please only designate 1 person per party to enter the office for check-in.  While we know the whole family would like to come in and stretch their legs after a long drive, we need to keep the number of people who enter our lobby to minimum, as lobby space is limited. Please note: A photo ID is required at check-in.  This needs to be the renter of record or person on file for check-in. 
  • Make sure you are arriving at the correct check-in office.  We have quite a few offices so that guests can check-in at a location that is close to their rental.  You can find the designated check-in office with address for your reservation at the bottom of your confirmation highlighted in a yellow box.  This may not be the address at the bottom of this webpage.  Again, refer to the address of your check-in office highlighted in a yellow box at the bottom of your confirmation that you received separately via email.
  • You will receive a text message on the day of arrival or an email if there is no cell number alerting you when your rental is ready for occupancy.  If your rental has not been cleaned yet at the time you check in, you must still wait until you receive a text message indicating that your rental is ready for occupancy before entering.
  • After receiving your check-in packet, you may only enter your rental after you have received a text to do so.
  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with local and state laws, orders, and city ordinances to ensure you have great vacation! Welcome to North Myrtle Beach! The City of North Myrtle Beach has a mobile app.  Click here to download: 
  • Help keep our area beautiful. 

Please put all trash in proper receptacles, failure to place trash in receptacles could result in a $200 fine. When you leave the beach, make sure you leave nothing but your footprints.

Trash Collection Information and Schedule

Please use this information to plan your travel to our area accordingly. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


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